Our Junior School Council is made up from an elected student representatives from Years 3-6. YIn 2021, our JSC rockstars are Zac, James and Liza.
JSC Lunchtime Fun
Each week, JSC meets and plans lunchtime activities for kids for the whole school. JSC Lunchtime Fun runs on each Wednesday. It is everyone’s choice to come along, and we love leading indoor and outdoor activities that are fun to join in! Some examples of JSC Lunchtime Fun are sports clinics and games, like footy, soccer, cricket, basketball and downball, and indoor activities (particularly on a wet day!) like technology time, art and craft and a DVD.
Freezy Friday
In Term 1 and Term 4 while it is warm, the JSC run a zooper dooper icy-pole shop for everyone at lunchtime on Friday. Zooper Doopers are 50c each.
Milo Monday
During the colder months during Term 2 and 3, the JSC run a warm Milo shop for everyone at lunchtime on Monday. Milos are 50c each.
Little Actions, Big Results
Thoughout each term, Junior School Council run special events - to build on our sprirt of community, and to raise awareness and funds for local, national and international charities and for fun! These are announced by the students at assembly, their posters around the school, in the school newsletter and on the school Facebook page.