Foundation Fun Transition

In Term 4 we welcome prospective Foundation students to take part in a Transition Program called "Foundation Fun." During their time at school, the Kinder children take part in classroom activities with the other children from the Junior Classroom. This involves our morning discovery play, story time, shared reading, a literacy lesson, fruit break, and last, but not least, morning recess. Each Kinder child is assigned a buddy from the Junior Classroom for the session who supports them every step of the way. The whole aim of our program is to allow our prospective Foundation students to take part in a normal, relaxed and friendly school day to prepare them for the big adventurous step into primary school.


In 2022, our program will begin in mid October, finishing off with the State-wide Transition Day in December. Your child will be warmly welcomed into our school. Children will be included in authentic school experiences, so they will be comfortable in their expectations and thoughts of school when they reflect and prepare over the summer break.


Our program will involve and engage your child in:


  • Fun early literacy and numeracy activities
  • Creating and making, art/craft
  • Forming friendships
  • Play and play-based learning
  • School routines and expectations
  • Story Time
  • Familiarising with the school layout
  • Discovering the playground, the gym, the sandpit and Spiv’s Cottage
  • Meeting kind and caring student buddies from other year levels.

It’s an exciting time preparing your child for primary school. Of course, we talk to our children about this; older siblings have often paved the way; but real experience is what it’s all about.


At Bungaree Primary School this year, we will run a five session Foundation Fun Kinder-School Transition Program open to all children eligible for Prep in 2023.


Session 1 :     Friday, 14th October, 9:00am-11:30am

Session 2 :     Friday, 28th October, 9:00am-11:30am

Session 3 :     Friday, 11th November, 9:00am-11:30am

Session 4 :     Friday, 25th November, 9:00am-11:30am

Session 5 : Tuesday, 13th December, 9:00am-1:00pm (Statewide Transition Day)


Please bring your own water bottle, your own Sunsmart hat, a snack for morning recess, and a huge smile!


We are very proud of our:


  • Small class sizes
  • Digital devices ratio more than 1:1
  • Huge gym/indoor play space
  • The Resilience Project partner school
  • Sovereign Hill affiliation
  • Swimming Program
  • Family atmosphere
  • Spacious playground
  • Strong community involvement
  • Friendly experienced staff
  • Personalised education plans
  • Strong wellbeing support including a school chaplain and Breakfast Club
  • OSHClub after school hours care
  • Active Parents and Friends Association
  • Wathaurung Interschool Sports
  • Engaging curriculum and learning opportunities
  • Small school cluster events for all.

We invite you to stay for morning tea to chat with the other parents and meet our friendly staff. Morning tea/Recess is from 11:00am to 11:30am. Tea, coffee and morning tea is provided for grown ups with fruit platters for the children.


Any questions? Please do not hesitate to call Miss Catherine Barnes, Principal, with your enquiries. We can’t wait to see you at Bungaree Primary School!